Monday 31 August 2015

Plating the food the right way!

Just like it is pretty essential for the food to taste god and smell good for leaving the eaters satisfied and craving more of it, similarly, it is equally essential for the food to look good because, the first impression of the food is not its taste, but its look. Your guests at home or in your restaurant will give that much-excited-to-gorge-on-foods look only then when they can see you approaching them with some really delicious looking dishes and that will be possible for you only if you know how to do the plating! Food plating is an essential art and if you master in it, you are sure to win the hearts. 

Presentation of food has much to do with being artistic and capable of inputting more of creativity into the plating process. It not only demands great attention and creativity from you, but also seeks the love of art. Cooking is more an art of the chefs and nowadays, a beautiful plating is also considered as essential in food business because the food lovers love to eat good looking foods and feels more inclined to go for it rather than a plainly served dish. 

A beautiful plating basically involves utilizing the main dish along with a few of the add ons like the garnishing sauce, cheese, butter, salads, chopped vegetables and leafy vegetables. It can start with arranging the main item in the front of the plate with vegetables or starches in the back. This sort of plating is called ‘Classic’ plating. Then, there is 'stacked' plating in which various items are decorated on the plate with the main item leaning or 'shingled' upon a vegetable bed or side item. In this type of plating, the plate looks like the face of a clock. 

You can learn the plating tricks without any formal training just home by taking help of the internet. A little homework and some time dedicated to food decoration will let you learn it easily and quickly. 

Monday 24 August 2015

Mocha celebrates The Gourmet Gully Festival!

Mocha Guwahati has fastened its seat belt to serve its foodies with multiple delicious platters prepared and designed in a concept never tried before! The best part about this gourmet festival is that it has infused the famous gully foods, i.e., the street foods of the country with the very sophisticated international dishes. A fusion that you might have thought never before and certainly, tasted never before is right there ready to be served in your tables at Mocha Guwahati which makes it an opportunity not to be missed at any cost.  

The names of the dishes will give you an adequate glimpse of the local street food served with a gourmet twist and those include-

Desi Bhaji Videshi Bun:  all time favourite Mumbai street bhaji served with facaccia bun

Tempura Baby Palak Chaat: Crispy coated baby spinach leaves topped with curd and sweet tamarind chutney

Crushed Nachos with Potato Sphere Chaat: Homemade crispy potato tikki topped with curd and pomegranate seeds

Moong Dal Curd Dumplings: Soft lentil dumplings with roasted cumin flavour, served with creamy yogurt and chutney.

Kolkata Rolls: Kolkata street parantha rolls   .... Paneer / Chicken

Margherita Kulcha Pockets: Kulcha pockets served with assorted stuffings ....Paneer / BBQ Chicken

Desi Tacos: Home made theplas served Mocha way ...... Vegetable / Chicken

Such delicious ideas infused in the form of desi-videshi dishes are sure to win the hearts as the festival has already kick started with huge responses already garnered from the food lovers of the city.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Foods for beauty

Do you know that other than filling up your stomach in your hunger and rendering energy to your body, food may also deliver elements to ensure a beautiful you? You can look beautiful and feel beautiful by choosing to eat some specific food or fruits that most often act as the natural source of vitamin and antioxidant to enrich the skin and to fight with the signs of aging. So, let us today throw a glimpse at which foods benefit us in staying beautiful and why!


Raisins are rich in antioxidants for which it delivers the capacity to fight the growth of a type of bacteria that can cause inflammation and gum disease inside the mouth. So, keep up your habit of chewing raisins at least once a day and get a healthy beautiful pair of teeth. 


Slices of cucumber placed over puffy eyes results in awesome outcome as the anti-inflammatory properties found in the fruit helps in reducing swelling.


This is more of a herb and it along with garlic in the same dish, works amazingly in deriving breath-fighting benefits.

Green tea

Green Tea is one of the most skin-friendly beverages, which is a big storehouse of polyphenols. You must at least aim for four cups of green tea throughout your day.


If you love eatuing fish and then make a habit of incorporating Salmon in your food regime as it is rich in astaxanthin which is a carotenoid and helps in improving skin elasticity. This means, so you will have fewer fine lines on eating it regularly.


Egg delivers protein and this protein helps in repairing cells that have suffered free radical damage. Eggs also contain biotin, an essential vitamin that protects against dry skin.


Legumes are one f the best food alternative for a hea;lthy diet and these also helps in repairing cells that have suffered free radical damage. The legumes break down into amino acids during digestion and this helps in building blocks of cells.


Walnuts add the much needed Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet and this results into shiny hair and smoother and younger looking skin. 

Sunday 16 August 2015

Mocha: the desert heaven

Mocha, an ideal eatery to stuff one to the full and still craving for trying other items in the menu. Speaking specifically about the desserts, it will have to be admitted by everybody visiting this food-joint for once, that Mocha excels in the presentation and taste of its desserts and the pictures of the desserts says it all. Food lovers from all over, with their spoons on the desserts of Mocha, have admitted it unanimously that those are sinfully awesome. Sinful because the more you eat, the more get prone to add sugar and fats to you body, but at the same time irresistible and awesome because every stroke of it lands pleasure to your tongues. 

Chocolate Avalanche

A chocolaty dessert that anybody would like to plunge in and perhaps, come out never. It does not matter whether you have a sweet tooth or not, what matters is that you are going to fall in love with this Chocolate Avalanche right at the moment it arrives on your table.

Mocha Lava Lava

Another must taste for the chocolate and vanilla ice cream lovers would be the Mocha Lava Lava. The very lava of chocolates, mind the double use of the term ‘lava’ and then topping it up with the tag ‘Mocha’, well the Mocha Lava Lava is a truly special dessert!

Mango Cheese Cake

This is the season of the juicy ripe mangoes and yes, better not miss a chance of tasting this version of the king of fruits. Cheese and mango, a combo to take you to the heaven of pleasure, the Mango Cheese cake is for all you mango lovers. 

Cheese cake

Can you ever say no to a chocolate cheese cake? You better try this one out and then make it a point to visit Mocha again and again and again!

Ferrero Rocher Shake

Love the Ferrero Rocher candies? Well, this is the time you treat yourself with something bigger and yummier and the Ferrero Rocher Shake can quench your thirst really well. 

Sunday 2 August 2015

Different foods and their health benefits

Food is the direct source of energy, vitamin, protein and immunity to fight with the germs and once you get to know which food serve what purpose, it will be easier for you to make a selection of a range of good foods and consume those regularly. Other than the usefulness of various foods in the normal walks of life, certain magical foods are also there that are specially recommended by the physicians to the patients to be consumed in certain particular health problems. Some of these foods are good to be consumed just the way it is, while some needs to be cooked with other ingredients for a better taste and enjoyable eating.

Here are a few such magical foods with its particular health benefits-  


Almonds are already known as one of the rich sources of energy.  It contains vitamin E, copper, magnesium, good quality protein, and healthy unsaturated fatty acids and these leads to a healthy body while also helping a person in losing weight.

It is also claimed by researchers that almonds can help in preventing cardiovascular heart diseases, cut the risk of cancer and help prolong life.


The age old saying- ‘An Apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is still functional and this wonder fruit with its amazing nutritional benefits is one of the best of all fruits found on this earth. This fruit is rich in Vitamin C (a powerful natural antioxidant), B-complex vitamins, dietary fibre, phytonutrients (which help protect the body from the detrimental effects of free radicals), and minerals such as calcium and potassium.

As stated by the researchers, apple consumption can help in preventing dementia, reduces the risk of stroke and reduces diabetes risk. 


Another widely available fruit, Bananas too is very rich in potassium and is free from fat, cholesterol and sodium.

Banana is helpful in lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of developing childhood leukaemia, and supports a healthy heart.

Basil leaves

Basil is rich in vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, potassium, and calcium.

Studies have revealed this plant leaf can reduce inflammation and swelling in body, prevent the harmful effects of aging, and may be useful in treating arthritis as well.


Broccoli is one of the most widely consumed vegetable in the western countries and it is rich in fibre (both soluble and insoluble). It also contains vitamin-C, vitamin A, iron, vitamin K, B-complex vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and phyto-nutrients.

Broccoli has the potentiality to prevent osteoarthritis, protects skin against the effects of UV light, and reduce bladder cancer risk.                                       


Carrot delivers 210% of the average adult's needs for the day and is rich in vitamin A.

Carrots have the potential of preventing lung cancer, destroying the leukaemia cells and inhibiting their progression and helping to restore vision. 


One of the common and widely cooked vegetable in Indian kitchens is the cauliflower which contains antioxidants and phytonutrients to protect against cancer. It also has fibre that helps with satiety, weight loss and a healthy digestive tract.

The potential health benefits of cauliflower include preventing mutations and reducing stress from free radicals, preventing constipation and helping memory.

Cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon has great aromatic value. But apart from that, it is also found that it can potentially be effective against HIV, improve glucose and lipids levels in patients with type 2 diabetes and help prevent Alzheimer's disease.