Sunday 23 August 2015

Foods for beauty

Do you know that other than filling up your stomach in your hunger and rendering energy to your body, food may also deliver elements to ensure a beautiful you? You can look beautiful and feel beautiful by choosing to eat some specific food or fruits that most often act as the natural source of vitamin and antioxidant to enrich the skin and to fight with the signs of aging. So, let us today throw a glimpse at which foods benefit us in staying beautiful and why!


Raisins are rich in antioxidants for which it delivers the capacity to fight the growth of a type of bacteria that can cause inflammation and gum disease inside the mouth. So, keep up your habit of chewing raisins at least once a day and get a healthy beautiful pair of teeth. 


Slices of cucumber placed over puffy eyes results in awesome outcome as the anti-inflammatory properties found in the fruit helps in reducing swelling.


This is more of a herb and it along with garlic in the same dish, works amazingly in deriving breath-fighting benefits.

Green tea

Green Tea is one of the most skin-friendly beverages, which is a big storehouse of polyphenols. You must at least aim for four cups of green tea throughout your day.


If you love eatuing fish and then make a habit of incorporating Salmon in your food regime as it is rich in astaxanthin which is a carotenoid and helps in improving skin elasticity. This means, so you will have fewer fine lines on eating it regularly.


Egg delivers protein and this protein helps in repairing cells that have suffered free radical damage. Eggs also contain biotin, an essential vitamin that protects against dry skin.


Legumes are one f the best food alternative for a hea;lthy diet and these also helps in repairing cells that have suffered free radical damage. The legumes break down into amino acids during digestion and this helps in building blocks of cells.


Walnuts add the much needed Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet and this results into shiny hair and smoother and younger looking skin. 

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