Sunday 2 August 2015

Different foods and their health benefits

Food is the direct source of energy, vitamin, protein and immunity to fight with the germs and once you get to know which food serve what purpose, it will be easier for you to make a selection of a range of good foods and consume those regularly. Other than the usefulness of various foods in the normal walks of life, certain magical foods are also there that are specially recommended by the physicians to the patients to be consumed in certain particular health problems. Some of these foods are good to be consumed just the way it is, while some needs to be cooked with other ingredients for a better taste and enjoyable eating.

Here are a few such magical foods with its particular health benefits-  


Almonds are already known as one of the rich sources of energy.  It contains vitamin E, copper, magnesium, good quality protein, and healthy unsaturated fatty acids and these leads to a healthy body while also helping a person in losing weight.

It is also claimed by researchers that almonds can help in preventing cardiovascular heart diseases, cut the risk of cancer and help prolong life.


The age old saying- ‘An Apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is still functional and this wonder fruit with its amazing nutritional benefits is one of the best of all fruits found on this earth. This fruit is rich in Vitamin C (a powerful natural antioxidant), B-complex vitamins, dietary fibre, phytonutrients (which help protect the body from the detrimental effects of free radicals), and minerals such as calcium and potassium.

As stated by the researchers, apple consumption can help in preventing dementia, reduces the risk of stroke and reduces diabetes risk. 


Another widely available fruit, Bananas too is very rich in potassium and is free from fat, cholesterol and sodium.

Banana is helpful in lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of developing childhood leukaemia, and supports a healthy heart.

Basil leaves

Basil is rich in vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, potassium, and calcium.

Studies have revealed this plant leaf can reduce inflammation and swelling in body, prevent the harmful effects of aging, and may be useful in treating arthritis as well.


Broccoli is one of the most widely consumed vegetable in the western countries and it is rich in fibre (both soluble and insoluble). It also contains vitamin-C, vitamin A, iron, vitamin K, B-complex vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and phyto-nutrients.

Broccoli has the potentiality to prevent osteoarthritis, protects skin against the effects of UV light, and reduce bladder cancer risk.                                       


Carrot delivers 210% of the average adult's needs for the day and is rich in vitamin A.

Carrots have the potential of preventing lung cancer, destroying the leukaemia cells and inhibiting their progression and helping to restore vision. 


One of the common and widely cooked vegetable in Indian kitchens is the cauliflower which contains antioxidants and phytonutrients to protect against cancer. It also has fibre that helps with satiety, weight loss and a healthy digestive tract.

The potential health benefits of cauliflower include preventing mutations and reducing stress from free radicals, preventing constipation and helping memory.

Cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon has great aromatic value. But apart from that, it is also found that it can potentially be effective against HIV, improve glucose and lipids levels in patients with type 2 diabetes and help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

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