Monday 31 August 2015

Plating the food the right way!

Just like it is pretty essential for the food to taste god and smell good for leaving the eaters satisfied and craving more of it, similarly, it is equally essential for the food to look good because, the first impression of the food is not its taste, but its look. Your guests at home or in your restaurant will give that much-excited-to-gorge-on-foods look only then when they can see you approaching them with some really delicious looking dishes and that will be possible for you only if you know how to do the plating! Food plating is an essential art and if you master in it, you are sure to win the hearts. 

Presentation of food has much to do with being artistic and capable of inputting more of creativity into the plating process. It not only demands great attention and creativity from you, but also seeks the love of art. Cooking is more an art of the chefs and nowadays, a beautiful plating is also considered as essential in food business because the food lovers love to eat good looking foods and feels more inclined to go for it rather than a plainly served dish. 

A beautiful plating basically involves utilizing the main dish along with a few of the add ons like the garnishing sauce, cheese, butter, salads, chopped vegetables and leafy vegetables. It can start with arranging the main item in the front of the plate with vegetables or starches in the back. This sort of plating is called ‘Classic’ plating. Then, there is 'stacked' plating in which various items are decorated on the plate with the main item leaning or 'shingled' upon a vegetable bed or side item. In this type of plating, the plate looks like the face of a clock. 

You can learn the plating tricks without any formal training just home by taking help of the internet. A little homework and some time dedicated to food decoration will let you learn it easily and quickly. 

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