Monday 27 July 2015

When is the good time to eat what!

Just like cooking is an art, eating food too is not less than an art and it needs a proper regime of adherence, enjoyment and obedience while eating it. The habit of simply picking up anything you get to see in front of you and binge eating irrespective of any place and time is just very bad and is considered as bad eating habit. One must know when is the best time to eat what and once you properly learn and execute the good fooding habits, you are good to be called an artistic eater. 

A proper and timely eating habit will not only help you in controlling your weight and maintain a healthy slim body, but will also boost your spirit and energy keeping your lethargic attitudes at bay. 

To start with, one must always keep it in mind that for a good day to start after you wake up from the bed, a good breakfast matters a lot. A hungry and empty stomach will not only leave you yearning for energy for the day, you will also lack the spirit of your soul to give your best for the day’s commitments. Moreover, researchers have also found that the men who skipped breakfast had a 27% higher risk of heart attack or death from heart disease than those who honoured the morning meal. It is also seen that if you do not eat breakfast, you develop bigger hunger than the normal days with breakfast and this leads to end up eating bigger and heavier. So, always remember to start your day with breakfast.

Whole grain breads, corn flakes, cereals, a glass of fat-free milk or sugarless black tea or coffee or naturally made fresh fruit juice are the best things you can pick for your breakfast. 
Never eat sweet in the morning

Try to keep sweet edibles like pastries and other sweets away from you during the morning time. Judy Caplan, a registered dietician nutritionist for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, said, “If you eat something that is whole grain and has some fat and protein to it, your blood sugar is going to rise slowly and go down slowly. If you eat something refined, like an overly sweet cinnamon roll, that’s the worst thing you can eat.” 


The next best time for meal after your breakfast would be the afternoon and this is the time when you can fill yourself up with all heavy foods you crave for. Generally the morning and the afternoon are the times when one can eat heavy and still do not get harmed as all the hard work and physical activities you do during the day time, burns all the calories that you intake during breakfast and lunch. 

This is the time when you should think about filling yourself with lesser food in comparison to the last two meals you took in the day. Calories will still burn after you take this meal, but still do not go for overeating. Only that amount of food should be taken which your body can burn, because after this meal, you will hardly be engaged in any physical activity and this will lead the unburned food to be stored as fat.

Late night eating is a strictly unwanted activity and one must try to avoid it. Whatever you eat late in the night is directly stored as fat and remains unburned. It is also recommended to not to lie down immediately after a meal, especially a big one, since it increases the chance of acid reflux.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Healthy food ordering tips while eating out

Expecting to eat healthy food and that is too, while eating out seems impossible as firstly, when you go out for a dinner or a lunch, you always crave to eat more. The most delicious dishes are generally not prepared at home for its complex preparation process. Secondly, although you have this thing in mind that you have to follow a healthy diet, but find no clue as to what to order that seems healthy.

A little conversation with the waiter or probably with the manager before ordering the food finally will also help you in choosing the healthy diet. You can always follow the tips mentioned below for an easy ordering of healthy food- 

If you can see that all your friends are holding a glass of beverage (that is artificially sweetened and pretty unhealthy) in their hands, then you must not sit idle. Get yourself a glass of plain water or fat-free or low-fat milk, unsweetened tea, or other drinks without added sugars.

For ordering a light food, when you do not want to be stuffed to the full, simply order for a sandwich made of whole-wheat bread.

Another alternative to the fatty, heavy diets would be a platter of salad packed with veggies. You can also add this suggestion while ordering that the salad must not be dressed with the add ons and that bit should be served on the side so that you can take it on your own.

Steamed, grilled, or broiled dishes are a better option for you instead of those that are fried or sautéed.

If you can see that all main dishes mentioned in the menu of the restaurant are larger than you want, just order an appetizer-sized portion or a side dish to satiate your hunger. Or else, you can also share the big main dish with your friend who is accompanying you to the eating joint. 

Do not forcefully stuff food in your stomach thinking that you must not waste the food. It is obviously rude to waste food and instead you can pack the rest of the food to be eaten later when you are hungry. This way, you do not waste your food and also carry spare food to satiate your hunger later. 

Sunday 19 July 2015

When you are too hungry, eat these foods first!

When you are too hungry, you better not fill up your stomach with loads of food as this will harm you rather than doing good. Instead, you should know what is good to eat in ultimate hunger and keep your body fit.

You can always have something light and natural to fill up your stomach rather than gorging on the heavy food. Here are a few healthy options for you to pick and devour when you are too much hungry. 

1. Raspberries
Raspberries are one of the best gifts of the Mother Nature that has calories and fibre both in adequate ratio to deliver the much needed energy and also fill the stomach. You can gorge on one-cup of frozen red raspberries to satiate your deadly hunger for some time and then prepare your stomach for the normal food. A cup of raspberries has 80 calories and a whopping 9 grams of fiber and just a very good option for ultimate food cravings. Plus, it delivers you with vitamin C, manganese, and potassium.

For making it taste even yummy, add cold cereals, yogurt, and top it up with salads.

2. Seaweed

Another best appetite control and apt food for the very hungry moment is seaweeds which will curb your hunger and will also render weight-loss benefits. Rich in fiber, and best for controlling blood sugar and cravings, seaweeds are proven to be useful in burning fats as well.

 You can add seaweeds in your soup, stews and stir-fry recipes or can also pick the seaweed snacks available in grocery stores. 

3. Pistachios or Nuts

Nuts are the best source of fibre and energy and one can make a habit of consuming nuts regularly. Nuts may help curb hunger and control weight and it makes you feel full. Also, the calories from nuts aren't fully absorbed by the body.

 Add nuts to cereals, yogurt, and even your favourite dessert and enjoy filling your stomach.

4. Beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and chickpeas

A bowl of baked or boiled Beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and chickpeas, in short, legumes are the best choice for filling the stomach when you are hungry. These foods are rich in fiber, slow to digest protein and it has also been found in a study that overweight people, who eat a bean-rich diet, lose nearly 10 pounds.

Have them as side dishes, or simply take a bowl of baked or boiled legumes with salads atop.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Myths and truths about food

There are many common myths about foods that are often pronounced while you just sit to enjoy your food. Whether at your home or while eating out, either it is your parents, friends and or sometimes it is you only who often keep those food myths in mind while ordering for your food. Although some of the food myths may be facts as well, but some are utterly baseless and in fact, has the total opposite qualities. Some foods, said as bad for health, are actually pretty nutritious and healthy. So, let’s today check out some common myths and truths about food.  

1.  Myth: Eggs are bad for health

A very commonly heard myth about food is for eggs. It is said that eggs are unhealthy and are considered as the richest sources of cholesterol in the human diet. This is why, eggs are said to possess the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Well, this is absolutely wrong and large studies suggest that there is no connection between high cholesterol and eating eggs. It is found that only 25 percent of the cholesterol in the blood comes from food and the other 75 percent is manufactured by the liver. Eggs are also rich in useful nutrients that may even balance any damage done by the cholesterol contents. There are unsaturated fat, folate and other B vitamins, and minerals in eggs.

2. Myth: Coffee causes cancer

Coffee is often being linked to cancer. However, the scientists who looked for links between coffee and cancers, using superior research methods and studying larger groups of people, found that there is no connection between coffee and cancer.

So, the truth is that Coffee is not bad for you and in fact, through new study is it found that it reduces risk of colon cancer among people who regularly sipped coffee and tea.

3.  Myth: Drink red wine as much as you can for protecting your heart

It is believed that red wine protects the heart from the heart diseases and as an example, the French people's love of wine is being stated who are regarded as people superior cardiovascular health. It is true that the alcohol in red wine and white wine and beer has heart-related benefits and alcohol raises HDL (“good”) cholesterol and seems to make blood less likely to clot.

But drinking too much of red wine is not good for health and one should limit it to no more than a drink or two per day. As too much of alcohol will only harm the body.

4. Myth: Raw fruits and vegetables are more nutritious than cooked ones

It is a common myth that fruits and vegetables, if taken raw then more health benefits are derived from it. Some also believe in keeping food half-baked. It is believed that the heat destroys enzymes in foods and this leads to slow digestion of the food in the stomach.

But, in the contrary, cooking breaks down fibre, making it easier for your body to process. Subsisting primarily on raw fruit and vegetables could even backfire if your goal is to get healthier. It is found in studies that eating raw foods lead to cholesterol and triglyceride levels drop and the levels of homocysteine (an amino acid linked to heart attacks and strokes) rose. So, basically, it means, eating raw food is good, but too much of it should be avoided and cooked food is equally good for the health.

5.  Nuts are too fattening—eat them sparingly

People believe that nuts are too fatty to be consumed daily and that its consumption may lead to obesity.  But the truth is that the dry nuts like the dry-roasted peanuts, almonds, pistachio etc are three to four times more heart-healthy monounsaturated fat than saturated fat. The researchers have come to this conclusion that eating nuts regularly may even help in losing weight.

Friday 10 July 2015

Table manners while eating out in a restaurant

Believe it or not, more than your dressing and the high end make-up you are wearing to eat out, it is your table manners that will impress the man or woman sitting in front of you on a dinner date. Eating in society has its own rules and regulations and this is basically known as table manners and it is through your table manners that you can depict what a class of society you belong to and what a personality you carry. A glimpse of your solved mind, generous nature and the pleasure while taking the food is also reflected in your table manners only. So, whether it is for a party, for a dinner date, for a casual family lunch or dining in a restaurant, make sure that you look good while eating.  

More than anything else, it is your satisfaction while eating food, should be reflected in your gestures. Hence, if you do not know, it is never that late to learn the table manners.

A few basic and important etiquette to be followed on the dining table are- 

Hold your fork in your left hand, tines downward. Hold your knife in your right hand low to the plate. If the knife is not needed, let it remain on the table and hold the fork in your right hand.

Hold your fork like a pencil.

While having soup or dessert, remember to keep the bowl back on the under plate when you finish. If the underplate is too small to balance the spoon, leave the spoon in the bowl.

When you finish eating, place the knife and fork parallel with the handles in the four o’clock position on the right rim of the plate.

Keep the blade of your knife facing inward and once this is done, it signals that you are done.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Detoxifying Smoothies for this summer

Smoothies can do wonder to your body in this summer and you can discover it right through a sip of some of the amazing detoxifying smoothies. The best part is that all these smoothies are made of natural ingredients and are the best in purifying the body and emitting the unnecessary and harmful toxins from the body.

Here is a quick and easy recipe of a yummy healthy smoothie to relieve you from this scorching heat:

You will only need

1 1/2 cups mixed Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries)
1/2 cup Coconut Milk                                                      
1 cup Purified Water
1/8 cup rolled oats

Now just blend all ingredients together until you reach a thick smoothie. Pour it into large glasses and serve your family and yourself with this yummy treat!