Thursday 23 July 2015

Healthy food ordering tips while eating out

Expecting to eat healthy food and that is too, while eating out seems impossible as firstly, when you go out for a dinner or a lunch, you always crave to eat more. The most delicious dishes are generally not prepared at home for its complex preparation process. Secondly, although you have this thing in mind that you have to follow a healthy diet, but find no clue as to what to order that seems healthy.

A little conversation with the waiter or probably with the manager before ordering the food finally will also help you in choosing the healthy diet. You can always follow the tips mentioned below for an easy ordering of healthy food- 

If you can see that all your friends are holding a glass of beverage (that is artificially sweetened and pretty unhealthy) in their hands, then you must not sit idle. Get yourself a glass of plain water or fat-free or low-fat milk, unsweetened tea, or other drinks without added sugars.

For ordering a light food, when you do not want to be stuffed to the full, simply order for a sandwich made of whole-wheat bread.

Another alternative to the fatty, heavy diets would be a platter of salad packed with veggies. You can also add this suggestion while ordering that the salad must not be dressed with the add ons and that bit should be served on the side so that you can take it on your own.

Steamed, grilled, or broiled dishes are a better option for you instead of those that are fried or sautéed.

If you can see that all main dishes mentioned in the menu of the restaurant are larger than you want, just order an appetizer-sized portion or a side dish to satiate your hunger. Or else, you can also share the big main dish with your friend who is accompanying you to the eating joint. 

Do not forcefully stuff food in your stomach thinking that you must not waste the food. It is obviously rude to waste food and instead you can pack the rest of the food to be eaten later when you are hungry. This way, you do not waste your food and also carry spare food to satiate your hunger later. 

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