Sunday 19 July 2015

When you are too hungry, eat these foods first!

When you are too hungry, you better not fill up your stomach with loads of food as this will harm you rather than doing good. Instead, you should know what is good to eat in ultimate hunger and keep your body fit.

You can always have something light and natural to fill up your stomach rather than gorging on the heavy food. Here are a few healthy options for you to pick and devour when you are too much hungry. 

1. Raspberries
Raspberries are one of the best gifts of the Mother Nature that has calories and fibre both in adequate ratio to deliver the much needed energy and also fill the stomach. You can gorge on one-cup of frozen red raspberries to satiate your deadly hunger for some time and then prepare your stomach for the normal food. A cup of raspberries has 80 calories and a whopping 9 grams of fiber and just a very good option for ultimate food cravings. Plus, it delivers you with vitamin C, manganese, and potassium.

For making it taste even yummy, add cold cereals, yogurt, and top it up with salads.

2. Seaweed

Another best appetite control and apt food for the very hungry moment is seaweeds which will curb your hunger and will also render weight-loss benefits. Rich in fiber, and best for controlling blood sugar and cravings, seaweeds are proven to be useful in burning fats as well.

 You can add seaweeds in your soup, stews and stir-fry recipes or can also pick the seaweed snacks available in grocery stores. 

3. Pistachios or Nuts

Nuts are the best source of fibre and energy and one can make a habit of consuming nuts regularly. Nuts may help curb hunger and control weight and it makes you feel full. Also, the calories from nuts aren't fully absorbed by the body.

 Add nuts to cereals, yogurt, and even your favourite dessert and enjoy filling your stomach.

4. Beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and chickpeas

A bowl of baked or boiled Beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and chickpeas, in short, legumes are the best choice for filling the stomach when you are hungry. These foods are rich in fiber, slow to digest protein and it has also been found in a study that overweight people, who eat a bean-rich diet, lose nearly 10 pounds.

Have them as side dishes, or simply take a bowl of baked or boiled legumes with salads atop.

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