Monday 27 July 2015

When is the good time to eat what!

Just like cooking is an art, eating food too is not less than an art and it needs a proper regime of adherence, enjoyment and obedience while eating it. The habit of simply picking up anything you get to see in front of you and binge eating irrespective of any place and time is just very bad and is considered as bad eating habit. One must know when is the best time to eat what and once you properly learn and execute the good fooding habits, you are good to be called an artistic eater. 

A proper and timely eating habit will not only help you in controlling your weight and maintain a healthy slim body, but will also boost your spirit and energy keeping your lethargic attitudes at bay. 

To start with, one must always keep it in mind that for a good day to start after you wake up from the bed, a good breakfast matters a lot. A hungry and empty stomach will not only leave you yearning for energy for the day, you will also lack the spirit of your soul to give your best for the day’s commitments. Moreover, researchers have also found that the men who skipped breakfast had a 27% higher risk of heart attack or death from heart disease than those who honoured the morning meal. It is also seen that if you do not eat breakfast, you develop bigger hunger than the normal days with breakfast and this leads to end up eating bigger and heavier. So, always remember to start your day with breakfast.

Whole grain breads, corn flakes, cereals, a glass of fat-free milk or sugarless black tea or coffee or naturally made fresh fruit juice are the best things you can pick for your breakfast. 
Never eat sweet in the morning

Try to keep sweet edibles like pastries and other sweets away from you during the morning time. Judy Caplan, a registered dietician nutritionist for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, said, “If you eat something that is whole grain and has some fat and protein to it, your blood sugar is going to rise slowly and go down slowly. If you eat something refined, like an overly sweet cinnamon roll, that’s the worst thing you can eat.” 


The next best time for meal after your breakfast would be the afternoon and this is the time when you can fill yourself up with all heavy foods you crave for. Generally the morning and the afternoon are the times when one can eat heavy and still do not get harmed as all the hard work and physical activities you do during the day time, burns all the calories that you intake during breakfast and lunch. 

This is the time when you should think about filling yourself with lesser food in comparison to the last two meals you took in the day. Calories will still burn after you take this meal, but still do not go for overeating. Only that amount of food should be taken which your body can burn, because after this meal, you will hardly be engaged in any physical activity and this will lead the unburned food to be stored as fat.

Late night eating is a strictly unwanted activity and one must try to avoid it. Whatever you eat late in the night is directly stored as fat and remains unburned. It is also recommended to not to lie down immediately after a meal, especially a big one, since it increases the chance of acid reflux.

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